Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Trade sale

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
trade sale is a common means of exit to a trade buyer. This allows the management to withdraw from the business and may open up the prospect of collaboration on larger projects. The term trade sale is mostly used in the context of venture capital funded businesses and refers to the sale of a company in its early stages.
It normally entails the disposal of a company's shares or assets and even liabilities, in whole or in part. This may refer to a strategic buyer who intends to grow theirs business or to a financial buyer who wants to generate a financial return on their invested capital at the time of exit.
Trade sales are the most frequently used to exit vehicle both in Europe and the US.
The term trade sale may also refer to business-to-business sales, rather than sales made directly to the public.[1]

Friday, February 2, 2018


'Facilitating Cross-Border Trade to Foster Economic Growth in Botswana'

This website has been specifically developed to assist all importers and exporters (traders) wishing to move goods or merchandise across the borders of Botswana.
In the following pages, traders will find all the available information required to either import into Botswana or alternatively export from Botswana.
By clicking on the various links on this website, all the necessary information regarding the processes and documents required by the various Botswana Government agencies to trade across the borders will be displayed. 
In conjunction, all the regulatory requirements pertinent to the various commodities/industrial/mining and manufacturing sectors as decreed by the various Ministries are also available at the click of the mouse; as well as the relevant laws, Acts and other useful information.
It is recommended that, if you are in the business of international trading either within or outside Botswana or for that matter anyone who is travelling to/from Botswana, you register as a Member which will entitle you to additional services such as subscriptions to newsletters, tariff alerts, etc. and any new information that is likely to affect your business or alternatively your travels. 
Click here to learn more about Member Services and how to subscribe.
Below is a video about the Botswana Trade Portal

Latest Announcements

Import Notification-Department Agribusiness Botswana
Import Notification-Department Agribusiness Botswana
Please note the following import restrictions as announced by the Department of Agribusiness on January 15,2018 ...Read
Import Notification-Department Agribusiness Botswana
Import Notification-Department Agribusiness Botswana
Please note the following import restrictions as announced by the Department of Agribusiness on January 10,2018 ...Read